Hello Compass Members,

The Compass program will continue to have an error rate threshold of 3% for inpatient and outpatient data moving through the program.  

If your fatal error rates are at 3% or below, your data will be considered in good standing and you will be able to approve your data in the Star platform.  Approving data each quarter is now a mandatory step you must complete before your data will be sent to THCIC/System 13. 

If your fatal error rates are over 3%, please work on corrections by either using the inline correction system in the Star platform, or by making corrections in your source system and uploading a new corrected file. You can download the Error Summary and Error Detail reports from the Star platform to aid in the corrections process. 

IMPORTANT: THCIC and System 13 DO NOT have any threshold for errors and expect a 0% error rate (or as they state it, 100% accuracy rate). Attached at the bottom of this post is the THCIC newsletter from September 18, 2020 (Vol23 No5).  As stated in the newsletter on page 5:

Accuracy Rate Clarification


THCIC expects all data to be as accurate as possible in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 108.


Data that have been submitted and contain errors should be corrected to 100% accuracy, if possible.  THCIC does not have a “threshold” for data error acceptance.


This means ALL errors that remain in your data after leaving the Compass program must be corrected within the System 13 platform. THA has learned that THCIC is actively enforcing the 100% accuracy policy.  

We encourage all Compass members to get their error rates down to 0% within the Star platform as this will satisfy the requirements for all entities.  But for those unable to do so and planning to correct more errors on the System 13 platform, please be aware of all the THCIC deadlines posted on their website:


If you have questions about the THCIC rules and accuracy rate, please contact THCIC directly:


If you have questions or need help with corrections on the System 13 platform, please contact System 13 directly:


If you have questions about Compass or the Stratasan Star platform, please contact Compass Support at:

[email protected]